Coffee, Pastries, and Fellowship at 10:00am
How long does the service last? The worship service usually lasts one hour.
What should I wear? Wear anything you want, as long as it is modest.
What is the worship style? Our worship team uses guitar, bass, keyboard, violin, and drums with vocals. Occasionally, we use other instruments. Lyrics are always God-centered, theologically sound, and accessible. The team leads. It does not perform. Feel free to clap or raise your hands.
What is the preaching like? We preach running commentary (expository) sermons from the Bible. You will hear regular application of how the truth of Scripture impacts your daily life. But we preach an emphasis on good news, not good advice. Usually, we preach through a book of the Bible.
What do you have for children? We love children and we have a lot of them! Children of all ages are welcome in worship and noise is not a problem. Halfway through the worship time, parents have the option of taking their younger children (0-5) to a volunteer nursery. Background checks are required for all volunteers. Please take your child to the restroom before checking them in.
On 2nd and 4th Sundays, we also have a special children’s church program during the sermon for K-2nd graders.
Is there an offering? We do not normally collect an offering during the service. Giving is an act of worship between you and God. Our staff does not know who gives or how much. If you want to give, use the box in the back of the sanctuary or give online. Once a month, we do take up a deacon’s offering to assist with families in need.
Will visitors be asked to stand or speak? Absolutely not! We will not bring special attention to new visitors or put you on the spot.
Will I be pressured to respond in any way after the service? Absolutely not! We do not have altar calls. You will not be pressured to join the church or make a public profession of faith. If you would like to speak to someone after the service, that is your choice and someone will be available.
How often do you celebrate the Lord’s Supper? We take communion together once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month.